Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy April!

Today is the start of Sexual Assault Awareness Month! Wear your teal this month, donate to my RAINN page  or do something else to help raise awareness! 

I've made a new friend on the interwebs who has gone through a lot of the things I have gone through. She's really struggling right now, and I totally remember being at that point and how scary it was. Keep her in your prayers, y'all! She's one tough cookie....she just needs to be reminded of that once in a while :)

I want to write a new Tales of a Survivor post sometime soon answering YOUR questions. It can be questions about me, questions about my assault, questions about rape statistics, questions about anything really. I have so many people reading the blog and I know that not everyone knows me or my story.  I will be answering all of these questions in a public forum (my blog, obvs.) so if there is a question that you want answered but aren’t comfortable with it being posted for the world to see, let me know and I can answer it privately. ALSO I will not be posting NAMES on this blog (maybe first names, but I doubt it).
I am seriously down for posting anything, as long as you’re interested in reading the answers :) My tumblr people can message me on here and everyone else can either message me via facebook or send an email to :)
I look forward to getting your questions! Hopefully I’ll get enough to warrant a post :D

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