Thursday, October 11, 2012

Not What I Was Expecting

So tonight I have the opportunity to go to my doctor and speak to him about getting me on anxiety medication. I was actually excited about this and thinking I might finally start feeling better. He saw me and I told them the issues I was having and he looked concerned.  He told me that nothing was adding up so I decided to tell him my background. I would like you to try and picture the look of shock on his face. He was floored and said you would never know what I'd been through by looking at me.

He asked if I had been diagnosed with PTSD and I told him I had been. He left the room and came back and started asking a ton of questions. Suddenly he told me my depression is back which is causing the anxiety and night terrors. Word. He asks some more questions. Then he says "I'm diagnosing you with OCD as well. Sometimes that goes in hand with the PTSD and some of the behaviors like checking your locks at least ten times before bed are definitely not healthy and normal."

I was very upset! I went to get medicine....not another diagnosis. Im still not feeling it, feel a little like chief (someone get me some dang juicy fruit) and hopefully I'll get over it quick. I just needed to write it all out to feel better. I need a hug. LOVE ME.

On that note I'm going to bed....I'm pretty over today

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